Table of Contents

  1. Engage login
  2. Users
  3. Emoji
  4. Attachments
  5. Types of logins on engage.
  6. Download chat transcript.


Lab Objective

The task of that lab is to introduce the IMI Engage interface which is used for the configuration of digital channels. In this lab you will not find configuration steps, the goal is to understand the purpose of each menu. It is designed only for introduction, as the result, you will learn each item in the menu.


  1. Admin credentials to login to Control Hub and WxCC administration portal.

1. Engage login

  • In order to access IMI engage, login to WXCC
  • Once logged in, click on the hamburger icon on left, go to the last section and click on ‘New Digital Channels’
  • You will be redirected to IMI engage on a new tab.

2. Users

  • All the administrators and premium agent users from WXCC will be synced with IMIengage.
  • Click on users icon, which will list the users that are synced.

3. Emoji and attachments.

Click on the settings icon where you have an option to enable or disable emoji’s and attachments.

You can enable or disable an emoji by clicking on it. In order to add a new emoji -

  • click on ‘Click here to download the master emoji list’.
  • Open the downloaded excel sheet.
  • Copy the ‘Emoji_code’ of your choice.
  • Go back to engage, Click on add new emoji, paste the code that you have copied, click on search.
  • Your desired emoji will appear, hit add.

4. Attachments

If you would like to remove support of a particular attachment type.

  • Click on the pencil icon under actions for your desired channel type.
  • A pop-up window will appear. Click on the ‘x’ mark and then hit ok.

5. Types of logins on engage.

You can toggle to admin or customer care login by clicking on switch to customer care or switch to admin on right side top corner of the window.

6. Download chat transcript.

On the customner care login, there is an option to download transcript.

  • In order to do that, click on the search icon.
  • In the ‘search by’ dropdown select chatID.
  • Copy the conversationID from IMIconnect workflow debugger.(for example - CSRA8EHKTBTIVNU7)
  • Paste it in search box and your trascript will appear.

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Version Comments Author(s) Date
1.0 Initial Release Shrishail ( 31 Oct 2021
2.0 Format Changes Gagarin JS ( 09 Nov 2021