Table of Contents

  • Lab 5c - Task Bot
    • Navigate to BOT Builder and Create bot
    • Task Bot preview
    • Demo


Lab Objective

This lab is designed to complete a new task bot creation, add intents/entities and preview the same. We will also test the bot.


  • WxCC Portal, Agent Desktop and IMI connect URL.
  • Admin credentials to complete configurations in WxCC portal and IMI connect.
  • Agent Credentials to Handle FBM digital contact

Lab 5c - Task Bot Creation

1. Navigate to BOT Builder and Create bot

  • Log on to Connect portal and navigate to BOT Builder

  • On the top right you have 2 options QnA BOT and Task BOT.

  • Create new Task Bot

  • Give name and enable agent handoff option.

2. Task bot preview

  • Navigate to Intent -> Click on Entities -> Create entities -> create an intent

  • Once the Intent/ Entities are added, click on preview on top right and test the BOT.

  • Click on Session to check to user input matching with Intent

3. Demo

  • Use case: Help customer to open Saving account

  • Watch the video and follow step by step guidance

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Version Comments Author(s) Date
1.0 Page created Gagarin JS ( 09 Nov 2021
2.0 Technical contents added Chandramouli ( 18 Nov 2021
3.0 Format Changes Gagarin JS ( 18 Nov 2021