Table of Contents


The task of that lab is to introduce the IMI Connect interface which is used for the configuration of digital channels. In this lab you will not find configuration steps, the goal is to understand the purpose of each menu. It is designed only for introduction, as the result, you will learn each item in the menu.

Overview steps of IMI Connect

This is the introduction video. It walks through the menu items and explains the purposes of each tab.

1. Services

  • Click on the >> icon in the left bottom of the menu, this will add the description of each item in IMI connect menu.

  • Let’s start with the Service. Create your own service by clicking on SERVICES > CREATE NEW SERVICE button. Please set the SERVICE NAME as DEMO_Service

  • You will be redirected to your service configuration. In the DASHBOARD tab, at the right bottom, you can see the traffic statistic per each channel, flow execution, and Messaging API statistic.

  • Click on a second tab FLOWS to see the list of all flows created for that service. You should not have any pre-built services right now.

  • Click on the RULES tab to see which triggers are configured for which flows. Again, there are no triggers right now.

  • Click on API tab. Here you can get the SERVICE ID and SERVICE SECRET which are needed for external applications which are using API.

  • Click on the SETTINGS tab. Here you can rename or delete the service.

2. Reports

  • Click on the next item in menu REPORTS for generating a report based on the existing service. Select your service in ENTITY > Live Chat as channel > Last 30 days and click on the “GET REPORTS” button. Since there is no data, you will get a “No records found.” message.

  • Since that is a new Service, you should not see any statistics. You will get a “No records found.” message. Later you can find here such data as numbers of Submitted, Rejected, Delivered, Read, and Failed messages.

3. Assets

  • Go to the next item in menu ASSETS > Numbers. This will show you the list of SMS numbers added to the platform.

  • Now click on ASSETS > Apps. Here you will be able to configure later new applications such as “Email”, “Messenger” (FaceBook), “Mobile/ Web” (Live Chat).

  • Click on next item ASSETS > Integrations to see the list of all integrations configured for different events. By default, you should see only 2 Prebuilt Integrations.

4. Tools

  • Click on TOOLS > Download SDKs. Here you can download SDK if you want to build your own application.

  • Go to TOOLS > Templates. Here you can create a new template for one of 4 existing channels.

  • Now, switch to Export Logs in the same TOOLS menu. This option will be needed during email configuration. You may also use it during troubleshooting.

  • While you are in Export Logs, in the Inbound Logs section select your service name, Channel Event, time period, and click DOWNLOAD button.

5. Debug

  • Go to DEBUG which is the next menu item. Debug Console used for troubleshooting purposes of the Flow.

  • In the Historical Log section, select the query Channel type and date range. Click on the SEARCH button and check if you have any data.

6. Help

  • Go to the next menu item by clicking on HELP > Documentation which redirects to the IMI documentation portal. All menu items are documented in that documentation.

  • Go to the second item in the HELP menu by clicking on API Reference. This will forward you to the API documentation portal.

  • Now switch to the Change Log item in the same menu. Here you can find the updates of the product.

7. App Tray

  • Click on the APP TRAY > Bot Builder. Application Tray allows running a Bot Builder tool where you will create the bot in one of the next tasks.

8. Settings

  • Click on the next item Settings > Profile Settings and check the Profile settings.

  • Go to SETTINGS > Tenant Settings and verify the configured Time Zone and Date Format.

  • Open SETTINGS > Usage to see the general statistic of the entire tenant.

  • Click on the next item SETTINGS > Contact Support. Here you can check the details of support email IDs.

  • Click on the next item SETTINGS > Teammates. From here you can add more users to IMI Connect or change the permissions for existing users.

  • Go to SETTINGS > Groups/Teams where you can create a new group or team. Please refer to “here” link to see the explanation of Groups and Teams.

  • As the final step click on the Logout in the SETTINGS menu and make sure that you are signed out from the IMI Connect.

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Version Comments Author(s) Date
1.0 Initial Release Dmitry Bokatov ( 23 Oct 2021