Table of Contents

  • Lab 5b - QnA BOT Creation
    • Navigate to BOT Builder and Create bot
    • Preview
    • Bot testing
    • Curation
    • Demo


Lab Objective

This lab is designed to complete a new QnA bot creation, new article creation and previewing the same. We will also test the bot, add new test cases and learn about curation.


  • WxCC Portal, Agent Desktop and IMI connect URL.
  • Admin credentials to complete configurations in WxCC portal and IMI connect.
  • Agent Credentials to Handle FBM digital contact

Lab 5b - QnA Bot Creation

1. Navigate to BOT Builder and Create bot

  • Log on to Connect portal and navigate to BOT Builder

  • On the top right you have 2 options QnA BOT and Task BOT

  • Create new QnA Bot

  • Give name and enable agent handoff option

2. Preview

  • Navigate to Article -> click on 3 dot -> import from catalogue

  • Once the Article is added, click on preview on top right and test the BOT

  • Click on Session to check to user input matching with Article

3. Bot testing

  • Open BOT Builder

  • Log on to Connect portal and navigate to BOT Builder

  • Click on the BOT created on Lab 1

  • Click on Testing and add test case

  • Execute the test case

  • Click on session to validate the test case

4. Curation

  • Make sure feedback to BOT is enabled under sessions

  • Open preview option and run few input to test the article

  • If BOT is not giving expected response, click on red down thumb to downvote the article

  • Open curation menu

  • BOT Admin has an option to change response, add new article or attach response with an existing Article

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Version Comments Author(s) Date
1.0 Page created Gagarin JS ( 09 Nov 2021
2.0 Technical contents added Chandramouli ( 18 Nov 2021
3.0 Format Changes Gagarin JS ( 18 Nov 2021