Lab 5.1: CCAI Integration
Table of Contents
Lab Objective
In this Lab, we will go through the tasks that are required to complete the general pre-configuration of CCAI bot in Webex Connect.
- You have received the access credentials with a full admin access
Quick Links
Control Hub:
Agent Desktop:
Connect: (where X is your POD number)
Lab Section
Step 1. Create a gmail account (Optional)
We will need a Gmail account to get started with this lab
You can use your own personal Gmail account for this lab or create a free account by following the steps here:
Step 2: Create OAuth client ID and secret
Login to using the Gmail account mentioned in Step-1.
Select Country , Accept the terms of service and Click Agree and Continue
On the top left, click Select a Project and then New Project
Enter a desired Project Name and click Create
Once the project is created, under Notifications section, click Select Project
Verify that the project created in the previous step is selected on the top left.
Navigate to API and services > Credentials
Navigate to Credentials > Create Credentials > OAuth client ID
Click Configure Consent Screen
Select User Type as External and click Create
Input a desired App name and select the User supported email (Enter the Gmail account mentioned in Step-1 )
Input Authorized domain as
Input Email addresses as the Gmail account mentioned in Step-1. Click Save and Continue
In the Scopes section, no configuration is required. Click Save and Continue
In the Test users section, click Add Users
Input email address in the add users section (Use the Gmail account mentioned in Step-1) and click Add
Click Save and Continue
Once the OAuth consent screen configurations are complete, click on Credentials
Click Create Credentials > OAuth client ID
Select Application type as Web application and a desired Name
Click Add URI and input the value as and click Create
Copy the Client ID , Client Secret to a text editor in the local computer. Also, Download JSON . We will need these values at a later stage to complete the configuration.
Click OK
Step 3. Authorize Google Dialog flow node in Webex Connect
Login to your respective Webex Connect UI using the provided URL (where X is your POD number).
Navigate to Assets > Integrations > Dialogflow ES > Manage
Click Add Authorization
Input a desired Authorization Name . Input the Client ID, Client Secret value that was obtained in Step-2. Click Authorize
When redirected to google login, use the same credentials mentioned in Step-1.
After login, click Continue
Click Continue
Verify that the authorization is added successfully and marked as Default.
Step 4. Enable Dialogflow and create agent
Login to using the Gmail account mentioned in Step-1.
In the search window, input Dialogflow API and click the Dialogflow API option under marketplace.
Click Enable
Go to and accept the Terms of service and click Accept
Click Create Agent
Input a desired Agent name , select the Google project that was created in Step-2. Click Create
Click Intents and click Create Intent
Input intent name as Agent Handover amd click Add Training Phrases
Input some sample training phrases as shown in the image below and click Add parameters and action
Input LIVE_AGENT_HANDOVER (this will be used later in the flow configuration) as the parameter name click Add Response
Input a desired response for this intent and click Save