Webex CC Partner Summit Lab 6: Analyzer Lab

Exercises 5.1 and 5.2

Table of Contents

  1. Exercise 5.1: Stock Dashboards
  2. Exercise 5.2: Custom Dashboards

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Lab Objective

This lab is designed to introduce you to the dashboards available in Analyzer. Dashboards are available for Historical, Realtime and Business Metrics.


  1. All previous labs completed is advisable but not required
  2. Admin or supervisor credential with Analytics access in user profile
  3. Make sure to make few test calls and answered by the agent the day you attempting this lab (to ensure we have some data to analyze)

NOTE: You may not see report outputs as shown in the videos which has some channel sessions running in the background

Exercise 5.1 Stock Dashboards


  • Navigate some stock dashboards
  • Create a dashboard from a stock dashboard
  1. Navigate the Analyzer directory structure and discover the Dashboards directory
  2. Dashboards are categorized under the following types. Historical, Realtime and Business Metrics.


  1. Under Business Metrics, run the Abandoned Contacts dashboard.
  2. Under this dashboard there are several different types of data reports. Take some time to familiarize yourself with them.
  3. Expand the Customer Journey dashboard and familiarize yourself with how this report makes use of mouse overs to track the different abandoned contacts
  4. Navigate back to the main dashboard directory and open a dashboard named Contact Volume Historical Dashboard under the Multimedia directory.
  5. Create a copy of this dashboard and edit to make some changes
  6. Remove the Contact Volume dashboard component
  7. Find the report created in Lab 4.2 called 4.2.1_CSR_QueueStatus and drag that into the dashboard
  8. Save this report as 5.1_Contact_Volume_Queue_Dashboard and run it
  9. This concludes this section. Onto the next.

Exercise 5.2 Custom Dashboards


  • Create a custom dashboard called 5.2.1_NewReportDashboard
  • Create a custom dashboard using previous lab reports named in video 5.2.2_CL21HOLCCT2108Dashboard
  1. Navigate to the Dashboards section of Analyzer and Create New Dashboard
  2. Drag dashboards according to the video instruction to the work canvas and position to your liking
  3. When dashboard components have been arranged, you should have something similar to this

custom dashboard

  1. Save this report as 5.2.1_NewReportDashboard under your team folder
  2. Run the report and notice that you can make changes to widget sizes but this will not save to the template
  3. Edit the new dashboard and make any sizing changes and save to see those changes every time
  4. Create a new dashboard for the next exercise
  5. In this new dashboard you will be using several of the reports created earlier in this lab
    • 4.2.1_CSR_QueueStatus
    • 3.2_AAR_AgentState
    • 3.3_CSR_ContactVolume
    • 3.1_CSR_Contacts


  1. Video saves this report as 5.2.2_CL21HOLCCT2108Dashboard but you can save it as you wish. It will not impact any other exercises.
  2. Explore some options to edit and personalize this new dashboard like changing background colors

Congratulations! **All Analyzer labs are now complete!

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Congratulations, you have compleated all Lab tasks!