Table of Contents

  • Lab 5d- Associate bot in FBM Flow
    • Bot and agent escalation explained
    • Update the FBM Inbound workflow


Lab Objective

This lab is designed to complete the integration of the QnA bot with the Facebook Messenger channel.


  • WxCC Portal, Agent Desktop and IMI connect URL
  • Admin credentials to complete configurations in WxCC portal and IMI connect
  • Agent Credentials to Handle FBM digital contact
  • Basic FBM contact routing should be working
  • QnA bot created and live

Lab 5b - Task Bot Creation

1. Bot and agent escalation explained

  • Incoming message from customer is set to a variable called messagetext

  • This message from cusotmer is sent to bot

  • The bot sends qnabot.text_response back to the caller

  • The outbound message is using the Append Conversation node

  • We are receiving the message from customer in the Receive and replace messagetext

  • We are appending the incoming message from customer and looping the message to the bot node

  • The loop continues until agent escalation is requested by the customer which is when the onAgentAnswer event the bot woud trigger

  • After this we queue the task and contact is delivered to agent

2. Update the FBM Inbound workflow

  • Login to Connect and open the working FBM Inbound workflow

  • Add and configure the following nodes, QnA Bot , Messenger , Append Conversation , Receive , Append Conversation

  • Connect the Create Task node to QnA Bot node

  • Open QnA Bot update the below values and Save

    • BOT: Select your bot in this dropdown

    • MESSAGE: $(messagetext)

    • PS ID: $(n2.messenger.psId)

  • Connect the QnA Bot (onSucess event) to the new Messenger node

  • Open Messenger node and update the below values and Save


    • DESTINATION: $(n2.messenger.psId)




    • MESSAGE: $(n955.qnabot.text_response)

      • n955 is the node ID of the QnA Bot node used in the demo

      • This value might might be different in your configuration

      • Verify and Use the QnA Bot nodeID

  • Connect the Messenger node to Append Conversation

  • Open the Append Conversation node and update the below values and Save

    • METHOD NAME: Append Chat

    • NODE RUNTIME AUTHORIZATION: Create a new AUTH or add an existing AUTH

    • CHANNEL: Facebook Messenger

    • CONVERSATION ID: $(ConversationId)

    • Direction: Outbound

    • TEXT: $(n955.qnabot.text_response)

      • n955 is the node ID of the QnA Bot node used in the demo

      • This value might might be different in your configuration

      • Verify and Use the QnA Bot nodeID

    • TIMESTAMP (IN UTC): $(n956.send.sentDateTime)

      • n956 is the node ID of the Messenger node used in the demo

      • This value might might be different in your configuration

      • Verify and Use the Messenger nodeID

    • ATTACHMENTS: $(parseDataAttachment)

  • Open the Receive node and update the below values and Save

    • Under Configuration tab

      • Select ‘Receive Messenger message/event’

      • FROM (PSID): $(n2.messenger.psId)

      • EVENT NAME: Incoming Message

    • Under Transition Actions tab, configure action

      • TIME: On-Enter

      • ACTION: Set Variable

      • VARIABLE: messagetext

      • VALUE: $(n959.receive.message)

        • n956 is the node ID of the Receive node used in the demo

        • This value might might be different in your configuration

        • Verify and Use the Receive nodeID

  • Connect the Receive node to Append Conversation

  • Open the Append Conversation node and update the below values and Save

    • METHOD NAME: Append Chat

    • NODE RUNTIME AUTHORIZATION: Create a new AUTH or add an existing AUTH

    • CHANNEL: Facebook Messenger

    • CONVERSATION ID: $(ConversationId)

    • Direction: Inbound

    • TEXT: $(messagetext)

    • TIMESTAMP (IN UTC): $(n956.send.sentDateTime)

      • n956 is the node ID of the Messenger node used in the demo

      • This value might might be different in your configuration

      • Verify and Use the Messenger nodeID

    • ATTACHMENTS: $(parseDataAttachment)

  • Connect (loop back) this Append Conversation node back to QnA Bot node

  • From QnA Bot conenct the AgentAnswered event to the original Messenger Node in the FBM Inbound workflow

  • In all the newly added nodes, make sure to configure the node outcomes appropriately, else there will be an error while publishing the flow

  • Publish the flow


Version Comments Author(s) Date
1.0 Initial page created Gagarin JS ( 09 Nov 2021
2.0 Video content upload Gagarin JS ( 18 Nov 2021
1.0 Text instructions created Gagarin JS ( 18 Nov 2021

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